Patrick Rhone wrote a book. Yes, a book. I’ve had the privilege of reading it over the past few days, and it is very good.
It’s called Keeping It Straight. Here’s one small excerpt I particularly liked:
Therefore, treat it as what it is—the most precious thing in existence. Don’t squander a single second. Perhaps, even more importantly, don’t waste time regretting the time you do squander or lose. Instead, look to how you are going to use this very moment to do something… Anything. Enjoy a simple breath, or make a memorable mark. Don’t worry about the next until the next thing comes along. This moment is far too important.
Patrick’s a great writer and a great guy. What I love about his writing is he’s looking for greater meaning in things. He isn’t just writing about some new application or service or something; he’s writing about how to live a better life, and he does it really, really well.
Keeping It Straight is available as one of those antiquated book things, and also on the Kindle store.