White House: Embassy Violence Isn’t Directed at U.S., Two Plus Two Doesn’t Equal Four

September 14th, 2012

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says embassy violence around the world isn’t directed at the U.S.:

This is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to United States policy, not to, obviously, the Administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video, a film, that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting, that in no way justifies any violent reaction to it, but this is not a case of protests directed at the United States writ large or at US policy, this is in response to a video that is offensive, and, to Muslims. Again, this is not in any way justifying violence, and we’ve spoken very clearly out against that, and condemned it.

Oh, no, Jay—it’d be crazy to think that protests at U.S. embassies, the storming of them, taking down and burning the U.S. flag and raising Islamist flags would be directed toward the U.S., wouldn’t it? I haven’t a clue what might give anyone that idea.

Totally unrelated, but the administration is very accomplished at digging holes and burying their heads. It’s quite impressive, really.