Wishing For a More Social Instapaper

August 2nd, 2012

Lex Friedman wishes for a more social Instapaper:

Really, if people have read and liked the same articles that I like, I’d like to know what *else* they’re reading and liking — even if I’m not already friends with them. Instapaper in theory has this information, and I wonder — with user approval, of course — if anonymized, aggregated data of this sort wouldn’t provide impressive crowd-sourced curation. 

Great idea. It’d be awesome, too, if Instapaper could see important topics happening at a certain point in time and group together the most-read articles for that topic. Say, if Syria’s something people are reading a lot right now, it could group together recent, heavily-read articles. In effect, you’d have a must-read list for timely topics.

Something like that isn’t at all trivial to implement, but there’s so much possibility there.