Fantastical [Sponsor]

June 4th, 2012

Big thanks to Flexbits for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed. Fantastical is a lovely application that makes iCal a heck of a lot nicer to use. It’s applications like this that made me fall in love with the Mac—fantastic idea and it does exactly what it’s supposed to, brilliantly. If you use iCal at all, you need to check out Fantastical.

Fantastical is the Mac calendar app you’ll actually love to use. Type in that you have “Lunch with John on Friday at 1pm” and Fantastical will schedule it! Or type in that you need to “Buy milk by Tuesday” and Fantastical will create a reminder with a due date!

Fantastical’s natural language event/reminder creation, beautiful calendar, and gorgeous list make it the best calendar you’ll ever use. Stay on top of your schedule with features like native CalDAV support, automatic alarms for new events, iCal and iOS reminder support, and instant search.

Get your free 14-day free trial now!