TextExpander [Sponsor]

March 21st, 2012

Big thanks to Smile Software for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed. TextExpander is one of those tools that can make anyone’s job easier. You can create snippets for common email replies you have to make, signatures, or anything else. It’s an honor having such a great company sponsor TightWind.

This is a fantastic time to try TextExpander, too, because they’re offering a 20% discount this week if you use the code SYN0312 in their store.

TextExpander can be as simple or as geeky as you want. Whatever your level of experience, there’s a TextExpander tip for you:

Getting Started: Make a snippet for your email address. You’ll be amazed at the keystrokes you’ll save not having to type that over and over.

Intermediate: Add one of the Predefined Groups, like HTML/CSS snippets or instant URL shorteners. There’s even an AutoCorrect group to fix your typos.

Advanced: Try fill-in snippets, which have multiple variable fields. For example, you could have a form letter with blanks for name, product, company, etc. Type your abbreviation, fill in the fields and you’re done.

Even More Advanced: Create your own AppleScript and shell script snippets.

Get the free demo. Don’t miss the 20% off special discount. Use the coupon code SYN0312 in the Smile store (Expires March 31, 2012).