Iraqi Woman Murdered in San Diego

March 28th, 2012

An Iraqi woman was killed in San Diego after a note that called the family terrorists and told them to “go home” was placed on their door:

Ms. Alawadi’s husband, Kassim Alhimidi, says he wanted to call the police. But his wife said no, insisting the note was only a child’s prank. Like many others in the neighborhood, the couple were immigrants from Iraq. In 17 years in the United States, they had been called terrorists before, he said.

But last Wednesday, Ms. Alawadi was found in the family’s dining room by her 17-year-daughter, lying unconscious in a puddle of blood with a severe head wound. Nearby lay another threatening note, similar to the one the family found a week earlier.

Absolutely sickening and enraging. And unfortunately, this view—that Arab immigrants are not American and are even terrorists—isn’t rare. This is why, when we hear people saying things like that, the right thing to do isn’t to shrug it off. The right thing to do is to address it and call it what it is: racist bullshit.

Many of these families fled Iraq (and other Arab countries) because they were persecuted for being Christian, and now that they’re in a free country where we are all supposed to be free to practice whatever religion we please, they are facing discrimination like this. Shaima Alawadi lost her life, and her family lost a mother and wife, because they’re Arab.