Tim Cook On the Tablet Market’s Growth

February 14th, 2012

Tim Cook:

We started using it at Apple well before it was launched. We had our shades pulled so no one could see us, but it quickly became that 80-90% of my consumption and work was done on the iPad. From the first day it shipped, we thought that the tablet market would become larger than the PC market and it was just a matter of the time it took for that to occur. I feel that stronger today than I did then. As I look out and I see all of these incredible usages for it, I see the incredible rate and pace of innovation, and the developers — If we had a meeting at this hotel, and we invited everyone doing cool stuff on PC, we wouldn’t have anyone here.

If you invited everyone working on iOS or on that other operating system, you wouldn’t be able to fit everyone! That’s where the innovation is! That doesn’t mean the PC is going to die. I love the Mac and it’s still growing and I believe it can still grow. But I believe that tablet market can replace the unit sales of the PC market, and it’s just a matter of the speed at which that happens. It’s too much of a profound change in things for that to not happen. That’s just my opinion.

Interesting. To my ears it reinforces that Apple plans on making the iPad more and more capable as a person’s main computing device.