Apple’s Store Architecture

October 17th, 2011

Jobs was intimately involved with designing Apple’s stores:

“The best clients, to my mind, don’t say that whatever you do is fine,” Mr. Bohlin said last week, a few days after Mr. Jobs’s death. “They’re intertwined in the process. When I look back, it’s hard to remember who had what thought when. That’s the best, most satisfying work, whether a large building or a house.”

Just as Mr. Jobs transformed the notion of the personal computer and the cellphone, he left an indelible stamp on architecture, especially the retail kind, traditionally a backwater of the profession.

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that what Peter Bohlin and Apple are doing is one of the more exciting things in architecture today. Just look at the entrance to Apple’s new Shanghai store: it’s beautiful.

It says a lot about a company if they put so much thought and work into the stores that sell their product.