Godin on Tablets, Magazines and Apple

February 25th, 2011

Seth Godin:

For content to be fabulous, for tablets to be more than game platforms, folks like Apple need to do two things:

  • Reward creators instead of taxing them.
  • Create promotional channels so that curated great stuff (not merely things from big companies) has a chance to reach a mass audience.

The second point is what I think publishers themselves need to become—curators in the sense that they collect great writing and make it available. The web means there is always more supply than we can handle, so what we need is groups that can sift through the muck and find the people worth reading. Instead of publishers being merely the people who provide printing and distribution, completely irrelevant to the end-user, they should become someone whose taste we trust.

That’s a much harder game but it also would have huge benefits for publishers and users.