McArdle’s Last Word on Loughner

January 20th, 2011

Megan McArdle:

I am in general impatient with the notion that “discrimination against (fat people, Christians, Catholics, gays, transvestites, etc.) is the last acceptable prejudice.”  As you can see by the list, there still seem to be a lot of acceptable prejudices left.  But this rush to indict conservatives for every incident of mass violence where motives are unknown does have a bit of this flavor.  We have a laudable desire to avoid making incendiary remarks about Muslim terrorism, that might result in terrible violence against a mostly law-abiding community.  So why do we express this desire by rushing to blame any possible terrorist acts on a different, mostly law abiding community?  “Round up the usual suspects” is a law enforcement tactic that we should be skeptical of no matter who it is applied to.