Fury Over a Mosque

August 18th, 2010

Nancy Pelosi:

“There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded,” she said.

What a ridiculous issue all around. There’s no reason the mosque shouldn’t be built, and many people who oppose it—like Newt Gingrich and Harry Reid—are absolutely doing so for political advantage.

Yet now we have Pelosi criticizing them for making this a political issue, and then trying to politicize it herself by calling for an investigation.

This is an excellent example of just how broken our political system is. We have conniving fools like Newt Gingrich using people’s prejudices for their own gain, gutless idiots like Harry Reid trying to gain a little support by opposing it, and Nancy Pelosi doing the only thing she apparently knows how to do: threatening to use government power.

Oh, and I forgot the President. Can’t forget him! For his part, he decided to opine on a local issue (I’m rather sure Obama wants to add “Opiner-in-Chief” to his official title) and support building the mosque, then when he realized that might invite some criticism (God forbid!), he “clarified” that he only supported the general right to freedom of religion, but not necessarily this mosque. That sure clears that up.