Klein’s Ridiculous Argument for Berwick’s Recess Appointment

July 12th, 2010

Ezra Klein thinks appointing Don Berwick via a recess appointment is justified because Republicans would have “demonized” him:

In other words, it was pretty clear how this was going to go: Republicans were going to use Berwick and the NHS as a way to hammer Obama and the Affordable Care Act. Then, as has happened to so many bills and nominees, they were going to filibuster him. It is hard for me to even believe that anyone considers these predictions in doubt. As such, the choice for the administration was between recess-appointing Berwick now, before Republicans damaged and blocked him, or later. If they went with later, it’s possible they’d have to find another nominee, as Berwick would’ve been damaged, and though Troy might not have criticized them for a recess appointment, others would have gone to town on them for appointing this rationing-friendly maniac who couldn’t even survive a Senate hearing.

By which “demonize” Klein means “use his own words to criticize him.” The horror.

So, his argument is bypassing the Senate altogether and using a recess appointment is justified because Berwick’s own words would have damaged him?

Good one there, Ezra. Perhaps we should do away with all Senate confirmations. All of that oversight and public criticism is just too inconvenient for the President.