Motivations and Business

September 18th, 2009

Jason Fried on Mint selling itself to Intuit:

Mint was a key leader of the next generation of game changers. And now it’s property of Intuit — the poster-child for the last generation. What a loss. Is that the best the next generation can do? Become part of the old generation? How about kicking the shit out of the old guys? What ever happened to that?

This highlights the difference between people interested in starting a business just for making money, and those who start it to do something they believe in. The latter start the company because they think they can do something better than everyone else, and maybe even make a sizable amount of money doing it. They may even expect to make good money (and if they create a better product, they deserve it) — but it isn’t their primary motivation.

Those are the people who really do change things, that push industries (and thus our lives) forward, because they keep at it. They’re constantly thinking about how they can make their product better. Those are the people who deserve respect.