Apple Storms Hollywood

September 19th, 2009

Tristan Louis wonders whether Apple will do to film what they did to applications:

True, the company now offers rentals and sales of video content but what if it could open up a marketplace where every independent content creator could distribute content? What if independent movie-makers or musicians could sell directly through the iTunes store and provide content on all the apple platforms (TV, iPod, phone, computer) with a single click.

They’d need a better approval process.

Snark aside, opening iTunes to amateur filmmakers would be incredible. That could potentially be a viable business for people to be in — open their own individual film company, and use iTunes to distribute it. iTunes has more than enough users to make this possible.

Short films like Garrett Murray’s Forever’s Not So Long would work perfectly on such a platform, and so would longer ones. I would be more than willing to pay for something as well done as that film.