You Mean Like This?

August 7th, 2009

Marco Arment, commenting on the townhall meetings:

Dan, after braving a healthcare town-hall meeting and being overwhelmed by the crazy Republican whackjobs who try to “win” arguments by screaming their illogical, incorrect points more loudly than the people who try to engage in civilized, educated discussion.

Civilized, educated discussion. Hmm, do you mean like this?


I took those at the 2006 May 1st immigration protest in Los Angeles. The sign in the first photo reads “REVOLUTION,” if you can’t read it.

So is that the “civilized, educated” discussion you’re taking about, Marco? Because people with those signs have no interest in that, and I know they are a *little* left of center.

It’s easy to point fingers at the other side and act like your side is angelic, but it’s also delusional. The reality is political discourse hasn’t devolved in this country because of any one side, but because both sides have gone absolutely insane.