There is something special about sitting down in a quiet place with a cup of tea (or coffee for that matter) and a good book, and becoming entirely consumed by the book.
It is a great experience that reading on the web, no matter how good the content, rarely achieves.
So TightWind is now in print. I have taken what I think are my best articles from 2008, and assembled them into a small book. The quality is excellent — colors are vivid and accurate, it is well bound, and the paper feels heavy and semi-glossy. I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. I am really excited for this.
You have two options for how to buy it.
You can buy it here. It costs $12.99.
This was a long process. I initially used Lulu to print the book, but the print quality was absolutely terrible. The paper felt like copy paper, and each page looked like it had been printed with low ink and then photocopied.
So instead, I am using Blurb and Magcloud, which both do a wonderful job.
Since I began writing TightWind, I have loved the idea of a print edition, but I wasn’t sure the best way to do it. I think this is it — a compilation of the prior year’s best articles, in a nicely-designed, well-printed book. This is meant as a thank you for my readers, so you can enjoy TightWind the same way that you enjoy a good book. Hopefully somewhere quiet and relaxing, with a cup of tea next to you, and nothing on your mind but what you are reading.
I hope you love the book, and thank you all for reading.