The Giant Squid Hunter

January 29th, 2013

Along with the news that the giant squid has been captured on film for the first time (alive, anyway), this story about a New Zealand giant squid researcher/Ahab popped back up:

The currents were pulling us toward the rocks, and I could hear the massive waves crashing into them. I was holding a flashlight, and I shone it in front of us: there was a twenty-foot wall of water. I turned around, and discovered that another enormous wall was pressing down on us from behind.

“You won’t find this in New York, will you, mate?” O’Shea said.

For a moment, I wondered if O’Shea was fully in command of his faculties. But we made it through the gap in the rocks, and he skillfully steered the boat into a protected inlet. It was indeed the perfect spot.

Lovely story to file away in your read-later service of choice and read when you’ve got a moment. It’s the kind of story I loved reading as a child: a person obsessed with discovering a mystery, driven to extreme lengths despite constant failure, and the blending of myth, science and reality.